Want a promotion or raise?

They're just going to find another reason to tell you why you can't get the raise. "You need to raise your hand more", although you are working on big projects. Or the old "We don't have the money for it", although they just spent money on something lavish. I know it all too well. 

If your career has been stagnant for a while. If you're being overlooked for promotions or you're being asked to train people who get promoted and you don't, this is for you.  

This masterclass is designed to help you:
* talk about yourself with ease
* prepare for the end of year evaluation
* increase your visibility at work

Let’s get you that raise.  

i'm ready for a promotion
My confidence was low when it came to talking about myself 

"​VJ is an excellent resource as a professional career advancing strategist. she is great at what she does and does it with pride, grace, and finesses. She gave my resume a fresh crisp look, polished my cover letter, and provided incredible interview advice tactics. She has been a friend and a guide within every step of the process. Most of all she taught me not to be afraid to talk about myself, my accomplishments, and my dreams. That is a lesson deemed highly valuable. Overall, VJ is the foundation of my success goals, career goals, and small/ big wins in the job market. I am excited to hear how she has guided you through your job hunt. Better yet, I am excited to hear that you got the job. 😉  "

Jamie Byrd
Digital Marketing Associate 

Meet your instructor

I'm a Career Strategist, Coach, Speaker and Founder of The Niles Group, a company dedicated to helping people like you take their careers to the next level.   

I understand how to climb the corporate ladder, what it takes to pivot across industries and how to grow a professional career brand. 

I know what it's like to be in your situation. I trained four of my replacements and only once was it intentional.  I had a career in four different industries (insurance, higher education, technology, and human resources). I was told “It's not your time yet", a lot. But the truth was, I didn't know how to play the game strategically. It's like I was playing checkers and my managers were playing chess.    

Well, I learned to play the game and it catapulted my career to the next level.  Do you want me to help you do the same?  

Yes! I'm ready

Client Results

The story behind the $31,000 salary increase

One of my clients, Terri, was making under 6 figures for the bulk of her career. She had tremendous experience in her field but wasn't always able to articulate what she brought to the table. We worked together to get her confidently talking about the things she was capable of achieving and she secured a new role within 2 months of working together with a $31,000 increase in her salary bringing her to the 6 figure mark.   She texted me and posted her story.  I had to block her name because her then job didn't know yet.


"VJ’s gift of taking my experiences to create compelling content within my resume is phenomenal. She is an extremely talented and attentive career success professional. Looking for someone to help you create or reconstruct your resume to put your best foot forward, VJ is the career success professional for you! I enjoyed working with her! I am thankful for her insight on my career goals, and value her advice on networking. She has great LinkedIn content…so check her out!!! Thanks so much VJ! " – Terri Hill